The Witchaven demo (whaven.zip or wh1.zip, wh2.zip, & wh3.zip, if you like your demos in small chunks) is out.
Get it from one of the sites listed below. You can access our site directly from this page. Once you get it, just unzip it into an empty directory and type 'whaven' at the DOS prompt. Read 'whref.txt' if you'd like a command key summary.
ftp.uml.edu /msdos/games/temp
ftp.cdrom.com /.2/games/mirrors/ulowell/temp
ftp.pht.com /pub/msdos/games/NEWSTUFF
ftp.sunet.se /pub/pc/mirror/games-uml/games/temp
src.doc.ic.ac.uk /packages/msdos-games/games/temp
Don't forget to grab the Witchaven Upgrade. It adds joystick and gamepad support, a fully configurable keyboard, strafing, more durable weapons, plus gameplay enhancements. Get both the Upgrade and the accompanying text file.
The demo is also available from Software Creations BBS. Dial it up at (508)365-9352.
Witchaven Home Page
IntraCorp|Capstone|Three-Sixty|Next Move